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          Xinxiang Sunrise NC Equipment Ltd.,Ball Bearing Inner Road Roller Grinder,Bearing Grinder Xinxiang sunrise NC equipment Limited by Share Ltd is a leading supplier of bearing CNC equipment, specializing in the production and sale of bearing rings, rolling development of CNC equipment, CNC equipment. Xinxiang sunrise is the present domestic bearing industry equipment can provide a batch of bearing "the big three" full set of precisi...
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          • Processing of casting
           人本集團  中華軸承網 奉化金燕鋼球 中國制造網  中國軸承行業網  重慶長江軸承  洛陽軸研所  哈軸  瓦軸 洛軸
          Copyright 2008-2014 www.palm-springs-realty.com All rights reserved.  General web site:RiSheng  Legal Disclaimer ICP 05020023
          Xinxiang Sunrise NC Equipment Ltd.,Ball Bearing Inner Road Roller Grinder,Bearing Grinder  [Manage]  Address:No.2 Wenyan Road,Red flag Industrial Park,Xinxiang,Henan,China   E-mail:xxrs169@163.com
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